Bus Driver Gets Fired For Writing An Honest Facebook Post—About A Student—That Goes Viral

It was the last week of school . Johnny Cook, a bus driver in Haralson County, Georgia, couldn’t believe it when a middle-schooler approached him and told him he was hungry.

The reason? His lunch card was 40 cents short, so he didn’t get to eat lunch that day.

Cook had a brief conversation with the boy, and when he got back home he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Restless and frustrated, he took to Facebook to describe what happened:

A middle schooler got on my bus this evening and said mr johnny im hungry. I said why are you hungry buddy? Didn’t you eat lunch ? He said no sir I didn’t have any money on my account. I said they would let you charge it?

No sir.

Huh! What! This child is already on reduced lunch and we can’t let him eat. Are you kidding me? I’m certian there was leftover food thrown away today. But kids were turned away because they didn’t have .40 on there account.

As a tax payer, I would much rather feed a child than throw it away. I would rather feed a child than to give food stamps to a crack head.

Cook’s Facebook post went viral, but the next day at school, the superintendent called him into his office.

The bus driver was given two options: either recant his Facebook post or be fired.

He chose the latter.

Despite the public outcry over Cook’s firing, the school district backed up their decision by saying they have a strict Facebook policy, which he broke.

But Cook said he didn’t regret sharing the story online, and wouldn’t take it back.”I’m proud of the reaction and I’m proud I was able to make a stand when some people may not be able to,” he said. “And maybe I was able to make a change, in some way, cause a little change.”

Do you think Cook should have been fired for exposing the truth? Let us know, and please SHARE this with your friends on Facebook!


  1. No Why would they sack an instead

    1. should have fired the superintendent and all who were involved

    2. The driver was right and shouldn't have been fired. I'm glad he took a stand!

    3. He said something about sack lunch what is in sack lunch that s crazy buy a bag or wash a plate I think this school needs lots of help and start with firing superintendent

    4. No he should not be fired!!! This is going on all over the country and needs to be stopped !! Hungry kids can not learn, all students should get free lunches....problem solved!

    5. The leaders of that school should be ashamed--someone that cared that much about a hungry student should be treasured not fired

    6. Yeah, leaders should be ashamed & this is a national problem with kids going hungry when 'account' is short. Considering the fact that I KNOW food gets thrown away, it's disgusting. Children should never be allowed to go hungry. Lots of kids even throw away the fruit, etc., they get with their lunch - teachers should help spread awareness by telling the classmates of lunch deprived kids what's going on & asking them to 'donate' a small part of their lunch - which would also teach them 'charity'. Then they could tell their parents and maybe start something.

      ON the other hand I looked this up, and this incident occurred in 2013. It's not recent, and he did file a lawsuit against the county. But so far I can't find any info on the outcome.

    7. this is not surprising, I have been a teacher all my life and this is the way that things are run, they have their heads full of POWER and GLORY and think they are GOD, so lets bash anyone that does not do as we tell them do. It's not about the children its about their EGO's.

  2. The driver was right and this decision is disguasting........ shame on you

    1. I absolutely agree. This man is a good man for feeling the disgust and the sympathy he felt about the situation. His employer should have been very proud of him. The man should hire a lawyer and sue for any wages lost. I cannot believe this chimd was turned away without a lunch. If I was serving him, I woukd have paid the .40 so he could eat. Terrible.

    2. I understand from other similar incidents that there is a process to this sort of problem,and going direct to facebook isn't the first option....perhaps asking advice from a superior,or contacting parents,teachers...might not come to anything,but at least you have the comfort of having followed due process and you might not have been fired...then,perhaps,if nothing transpired you could cause a public outcry...especially in the US ,there seem to be so many legalities,I would have been more cautious-after you slipped him a sandwich!

    3. I believe if he would have took it to the superintendent they would have fired him anyway and then they would have told him they couldn't post it on Facebook or whatever and then nobody would know I think you did the right thing that way his parents and find out and other kids parents to find out and make sure this don't happen again yes I agree that when the school is doing wrong everybody should have the right to post it on Facebook to let it be known yes he needs to hire a lawyer because I don't believe you should have been fired thank you sir for taking a stand to protect our babies even though the school them they brother passed out papers to show how to have oral sex and babies and get pills without your family knowing at age 5 and 6 instead of feeding that child to let him grow to be an adult we need to overhaul on our schools they've All turned perverted.. and the Living for The devil and I'm not raising our babies right Reading writing and arithmetic and history should be what they're teaching not sex ed not perversion not how to live for the devil and the world

    4. And meanwhile, while someone waits for the red tape bs, ThaT CHILD IS STILL HUNGRY. I think he did the right thing. If someone gets hit by a car, you don't wait an hour to call an ambulance. If you have any heart, you don't leave a child hungry in front of you.

    5. Well said Sandy, I agree. Too many government regulations over seeing what's supposed to be best for us

    6. If we can't feed our own kids why do we send money to feed kids overseas. Let's take care of our own first. NO he should not have been fired.

    7. Sometimes you have to stand up and be counted. He was given a choice. The choice he took will actually cause far more reverberations than had he recanted his original post. We're all talking about it. So that man did the right thing because a spotlight has been shown on the school district and those elected officials. They allowed a child to go hungry and a good man got fired for speaking up.

  3. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No it is not unfair dismissal. His company dictates the rules and regulations to follow while under the employment of and on the clock for. The have a NO FACEBOOK policy and he broke the rules. Does it suck and is it wrong? YES but the company sets policy. not employees.

    3. What a JERK YOU ARE thousands of children go hungry every day and Mr. Cook is a hero I suppose you would have just turned your head and thought that is not my problem.IT IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT DESERVE TO GO HUNGRY and just maybe I pray that you one day WILL JOB WELL DONE MR. COOK MAY GOD BLESS YOU

    4. The people making the rules everyone are so gaga over are the same people not feeding the children. Yeah they want you to follow them so they can continue with their malarkey! As American people we need to open our eyes and pull our collective heads outa our butts and stand up for what is right more often! This man is a hero and a stand up guy we should all emulate. Screw these sports stars and other manufactured false idols! This fella should be on Tshirts and wall posters. Stand up America you are stronger than you think!

  4. Good job Mr cook you spoke up for a good reason I hope and pray you get a better higher paying job.

  5. No, what’s wrong with the truth? And, by the way, it’s his tax money and my tax money- we should be able to voice opinions about how it is used!!

  6. No. Need to fire whoever made the decision not to feed the child!

  7. No way that child did not ask to be brought into this world, and he sure can't help growing up poor, which the government just keeps taxes the heck out of us that his family can't make ends meet, so give it to them because the taxes payers already paid for it which is his family as well.

    1. Nobody said the kid and his family were poor. It might just be an oversite by his parents.

    2. Yes, they said the child was on reduced rates for lunch, that means the family is poor.

    3. Happylender??? What difference does THAT make any damn way??!

  8. Sounds like a good case for unfair dismissal. The rule must be modified so someone in the school system has the authority to waive the rule on a case by case basis. Rules are made so fools don't need to think...they can just say, "it's not my fault; it's the rule". A law suit is the only way to get this done. Without it, the rule will live on in perpetuity. Protection of children is everybody's responsibility.

  9. The child should have been fed(I am a retired lunch lady----we never denied food to any child)!!!!
    The driver should be commended not fired!!!!

    1. Bless you! I was the recepient of that same kindness from our school lunch lady and I've NEVER forgot her. XOXO

    2. I was also the recipient of kindness as a child by my lunch ladies. Bless you and others like you!

  10. Driver has a great point. However, he should have take the problem to those who could change it. Or perhaps he could have gone to the school and put some money on the child's account. Yes, he brought attention to this policy - but, the people who could make the change should have been brought into the situation rather than thrown "under the bus".

  11. This gentleman was correct in his not recanting the story of the disgusting refusal for this school district to refuse a child food. He should have been commended for bringing this to light so it does not happen again. This is this school 's loss firing this man not Mr. Cooks.

  12. Good Ol Harelson Co. Georgia has gottenbuthurt like the rest of the liberal crybabies.

    1. Haralson county voted Republican in the last five Presidential elections.
      In the last Presidential election, Haralson county remained overwhelmingly Republican, 84.4% to 13.0%

    2. Majority Republican does not mean the school district is run correctly. Those are federal rules and Common Core rules. CC isn't a Republican model. That belongs to liberals and you know who. To check with the kids.

  13. I think it was perfectly correct for him to speak up.......He shouldn't have been fired, but a few others in authority should be fired immediately.... Thanks, Mr. Johnny...you did the right thing....maybe the school will wise up to those who struggle......No child should go through the day hungry at our schools....

  14. FREEDOM OF SPEECH ... is out the window in America, It is important that people can say what they feel, express ideas, question authority, and not worry that they might be punished for it. When you don’t have free speech you usually end up with tyranny because when you can’t criticize it’s pretty easy for the other end of it to do whatever it wants. That was why the Founders inscribed this freedom as the first right in the Bill of Rights. Then again, we are looking at a school that NEGLECTS their students of food, yet will be the first one's to tell you a student needs to eat to be progressive. If you're not the solution to the problem ... you're the cause of it. Instead of thanking him for his concern and rectifying the situation, they will let not only this student go hungry but how many others? And we send these children here to be taught what, history (they missed the bill of rights), they missed what thanksgiving was all about, it's or callousness. Maybe schools should start a grab bag of lunches provided by the school kids themselves ... not going to eat it, but it in the grab bag for someone who will.

    1. Freedom of speech, as written in the Constitution, only applies to the Federal Government being able to abridge your speech. Outside that, you can still voice your opinions but you also have to be ready to accept the consequences that come with it. Make no mistake, what happened to the child and the bus driver are unconscionable. I don't agree with the actions against the bus driver but, he did break the rules. If you went against something at your workplace that was expressly forbidden, would you not expect repercussions?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I was fired from a nursing home here in Georgia because I fed a man! His mama was on her death bed. Literally, her death bed. I was the dietary supervisor and I fed that man because he had been there since the afternoon before so I fed him.
      He did not want to leave his mama for fear she would take her last breath when he went to get something to eat! My director gave me a verbal warning and said I was breaking the rules and I would only get one verbal warning. She said next will be a write up. This was a Saturday. It was my weekend to work. So I told her then that if he was in there at lunchtime because his mama was still alive, I will feed him! They threw out that food after the kitchen staff fed their faces anyway!
      So needless to say by the end of that day I had 2 write ups. She was off the next day but they couldn’t wait to tell her that I fed him all day Sunday too! It is called “empathy”. Needless to say on Monday morning I was fired for FEEDING him! Lack of EMPATHY is what got me fired. Funny thing after they fired me for feeding him, I found out years later, it had become “policy” to feed the residents family of the resident who was dying!
      Ok, now I will shut my mouth! Georgia laws suck and only apply to some but not all...

  15. No he should not be dismissed or fired can the teachers and lunch ladies lay there head down at night knowing a child went to bed hungry how could they. So sad that someone could do a kid this away

  16. I think it was a great posting, except they have a strict Facebook policy which he broke.

    1. Most people don't give a rip about any policy when it comes to what is best for a child.

  17. I worked at Austell Elementary School in Austell, Ga. for almost 5 years.
    Not feeding children seems to be the thing to do by SOME LUNCHROOM MANAGERS!
    Mrs. Lilly had a heart for the children and tried to get the lunch money from them, but figured it's her job to feel that child and take up the finances of the lunch with the parents. So, with her EVERY CHILD ATE A GOOD HOT LUNCH.
    Then comes Phyllis, the new breed of lunchroom manager from hell ! I saw her with my own eyes take a lunch from a child and toss it in the trash rather than let the child have it and take up the payment with the parent. Phyllis (I'd often wondered if her first name was Sif) grabbed the tray and tossed it, and I was in shock! That heifer had rather feed the rats in the land-field than a elementary school child!
    I saw her snatch a plastic fork and knife away from another child that he went through the line to get because he couldn't bring any knives from home without being suspended, so he decided to leave both at home and pick 'em up at school. (Sif) Phyllis marches over, snatches the plastic ware away from the elementary school age child and tells him: "You don't buy our lunch from the school, you don't use our eating utensils !"
    After that, nonsense needless to say, we had a few words, I reminded her that the people she's being a jackass to are children and NOT adults...
    She tattled on me for interfering with the way she does her job, and that gave me the opportunity to tell all I know to (Sif) Phyllis' boss and told her how she has treated these children, and suggested that she contact Ms. Roberts, the students teacher that had the plastic tossed by that...!
    I think she was finally removed or possibly transferred to another school.
    So, It couldn't get any worse - OR SO I THOUGHT!
    In comes another MisFortune of the schools lunchroom Managers, Donna.
    Just as bad as Phyllis, but sneaker.
    I had words with her constantly about the way she treats the children.
    Not letting them charge and tossing their tray of food out, that just did't set too well with me. THESE ARE CHILDREN!! I constantly reminded her!
    She had some excuse about the weight of the food and the money took in.
    I asked her what about Pat, Mildred, Jean, Theresa all taking out food, I told her I'm not sure if they all take out food, but I know of one for sure that takes out a stack of lunchroom food most every day.
    Donna insisted that they pay for it, which was a lie.
    "You snatch food out of a childs hands, toss it in the trash because they don't have the money to pay for it, yet you let your employees take out stacks of food without paying! You're just a dirty pig!"
    I guess that is why I only lasted a little less than 5 years there. There is no excuse to take anything out on a child!
    (Then there is the true story about the Head Custodian giving out free muscle relaxers, a prescription drug, to teachers, at least one of the Principals, Maintenance workers, anyone that asked. But that is a total different story for a different time. It worth mentioning that one of the Maintenance workers failed to get his pain checked out because he felt there was no need... this worker shortly died of cancer.)

    1. Damn, why didnt you just post your name? You should be PROUD of what you did!!!

    2. Georgia laws suck! They change daily! It changes as their mood changes! The law is the law and it should be the same for everyone everyday but here in Georgia it is not! Kudos to you for standing up for the kids that have to attend these messed up schools!

  18. No Child should ever ever ever go hungry at school. Firing a man for his concern and truth is a wrong as well. Heartless folks at that school . lunch room woman needs to gain a heart. God help us all .
    I grew up in an area where it was almost all farming. My family was not wealthy we had a lot of love. I took sack lunches but on rainy days we got hot lunch. It was 35 cents plus milk which was free.
    I am very disgusted by the GA school district and the bus drivers boss. Fire the Cafeteria manager and hire people who know what it is like to be hungry.

    1. I agree 100%! And I live in Hart county Georgia! I grew up on Long Island where my Grandfather and Father were cops! Not that it matters, but, I do know a little about the law and they only offered him his job back if he “recanted” his story! Hell No! Why should he have to! I was always taught the law is the law and it applies to everyone! And then I moved to Georgia! The law changes here every day! I see a lawsuit!

  19. The driver did the right thing. Unfortunately, it cost him his job. But I would have done the same way shame on that school!

  20. Unfair dismissal for sure. I would have approached the school first to let them know of your concerns.. let them address it.. if they don't do anything then SLAM THEM!!

  21. What has this country come to!! Kids should eat fro free at school! I work & pay taxes, but see food card people eating sncaks while these kids go without a meal! Give me a break, any school that refuses to feed a child should loose public funding!

  22. "They have a strict Facebook policy..." Well, the United States has a strict Freedom of Speech policy. Perhaps, you've heard of it. It's called the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America!

  23. Madatory lunches for all use the tax dallors. Raise taxes if necessary. Every child eats. Call county superintendent. All teachers and school workers and all citizens should be trying to pass law every child eats

  24. The fact that this bus driver got fired for expressing his concern, on Facebook, that a student went hungry, over a 40 cent shortfall on his account, at the school lunchroom, is totally outrageous. First of all, it seems to me that their was some sort of bias here, either economic and/or ethnic, toward the student, who was already on a reduced meal category. It appears that the lunchroom staff, supported by school administration, has made a discriminatory call here, which should be rectified, first of all for the children, and secondly over the unfair firing of the bus driver. OUTRAGEOUS!!!

  25. As a teacher who has seen the damage that facebook posts can do to teachers, students and school personnel, I'm aware that most districts have strict facebook policies in place. All district employees are informed of these policies and if one employee knowingly chooses to violate that policy, for whatever reason, the district is obligated to follow up on the stated consequences. The driver was given the chance to correct the infraction. Again, it was his choice whether to do that or not. He chose not. As I see it, at each step the bus driver had the choice to say or not say the the things he did. He had the choice to make a course correction or not. These were all his choices, so the end result was brought about by his choice and his choice alone. There were many other ways he could have chosen to help this situation. He chose this way. He paid the consequences. If he's happy with his decision, then all is well. The school district certainly should not be vilified for maintaining it's disciplinary code. Would that all districts would do the same, for students as well as employees.

  26. Mr. Cook is entitled to his opinion! And he wanted to help this boy. Good for you Mr. Cook. And I hope things change in that school. There are other things they could do. Ask the boy to clear off a table for the .40 he needed or surely they have a "pot" people can drop extra money into for those who forget their money or are a few cents short. What the heck?! When I was in elementary school I took trays and plates and scraped them off to eat free. I don't know if it was because I couldn't afford my lunch or not. We were poor but I also thought it was a privilege to help. I never thought it was because I had little money. My parents would never have made me do that because they also gave me lunch money all the time. But we forget ...everyone forgets once in awhile. I know my grandkids used to tell me they didn't eat now and then if they were out of money in their account. Parents don't know unless the kids tell them. I'm so sorry. Mr. Cook should not have lost his job because he befriended a student.

  27. Policy that makes a child to hungry, should be abolished and the people enforcing this should be arrested for child neglect. If this was reversed and the child said this happened at home, the school would jump on it, to call Children and Young services The bus driver was punished for doing the right thing. Regrettably this is not the first time this has happened

  28. Do I think this bus driver did the right thing....absolutely. Do I think he was unfairly fired...no. He did something that was against policy. He signed a contract and he knew what he was doing when he made that post. Sometimes doing the right thing, like bringing attention to and standing up to a situation like this, is against the rules. The truth is maybe the superintendent didn't want to fire the bus driver but he had to because he broke the rules. Such is life but maybe some people saw his post and maybe some changes will be made.

    1. Have you ever heard the phrase, shove the rules! We have laws and rules on this planet so we can live in harmony! But there are exceptions to those rules! Thinking he was fired justly, says a lot about you and shame on you!

  29. Important part of this, is the fact that a school makes you sign a gag order before your even hired.

  30. You Talk, You Fired!
    School system protects School System! At ALL Costs!

  31. No I do not think she should have been fired I think the superintendent should’ve told him I’m sorry that this happened and we will have this solved then that should tell the lunchroom ladies to have a note you can have these already print it out to send home with your child to tell them that their charge card is empty and in order for your child to to eat they need to bring back the check the next day for the amount agreed upon!

  32. This is a horrible, terrible trend which is happening at most schools. If you don't have enough money on your account, then you can't get any lunch. They talk about how precious, and treasured our children are in the world. Yet they'd rather throw food away then give it to a child, who's hungry. Don't they preach a good breakfast to start the day? To the best of my knowledge that's given, to every student. That's right given, they don't pay for it. But they're going to gripe about a few pennies? They waste more food in one day to worry about a few lousy pennies. I think the bus driver should be reinstated, get his back pay, and the Superintendent have to take 2 weeks without pay. I'm sure had the story been praise for him or his staff he'd have overlooked it. But because it called attention to a problem, he's going to solve the problem. Good luck. You've opened up a can of worms.

  33. God Bless him and I commend him for standing up for the children I would have done the same thing I would rather go hungry than to see a child hungry as for Mr. Cook being fired I think his boss should have said thank you for bringing it to my attention now let's see how can change this so we can help this children that go hungry just because they don't have enough money in their account......this boss better be glad I don't have him in front of me cause I would be giving him a piece of my mind. How would he like it if this child was his son/daughter he wouldn't like believe me... But since the shoe is not his side he don't care.... He is a total jerk...as for Mr. Cook don't worry about getting fired what you did God never closes one door without opening an other....lifting you and your family in prayer I have faith that God has something better for you and you will get a job soon...

  34. Absolutely asinine! Fire the superintendent and whoever else was involved in seeing this through. That's idiotic. Never mind the kid starved all day because the school wouldn't let him charge a lunch. That's ridiculous too! Bunch of idiots.

  35. silly, what was the facebook policy?

  36. Another example of a ruthless, and heartless school perpetrating child abuse and neglect! He should be commended not punished for defending the child or at least speaking out for him/her!

  37. I would like to see the rule that destroyed his 1st amendment writes. 1st off they abridging the freedom of speech. 2nd your Facebook posts should be considered freedom of the press. A Journalist" a person who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast

  38. The bus driver didn't break and rules, he didn't mention the name of the school or the name of the child,I hope he sues the school and the school board.This is not right. Our taxes are paying for the illegals and prisoners and people on welfare to eat but schools are letting children go hungry. These people don't realize that for some of the children this is only time that would get to eat. What happened to No Hungry Child Left Behind? The politicians let foreigners come to America and give them a home and money but they will not help get the homeless people off the streets and into a home and job. I am all about helping people and I have a big heart but we need to help the American people first before we help anyone else.

  39. No i dont think he should have been fired for speaking the truth and eveything he said was the truth so why was he really really fired...This is not right because he spoke nothing but what really touched his heart...Whats wrong with Freedom of Speech

  40. I think he did the right thing. It wasn't about policy the school was just upset they got called out on the disgusting behavior. In our school a kid never goes hungry because they don't have money they have a lunch bag with bp and jelly and milk and other things if they cannot pay. What would the superintendent do if his child didn't have money on his account and came home saying he was hungry because he didn't have money on his account and was unable to get lunch. It's all about money with these schools now days not whats right or best for the child. when child is hungry they can't concentrate and their grade go down. Lets do whats best the the children not best for you pockets. If you school can't afford it maybe the next time you get a raise donate for those who can't afford lunch. They should be ashamed of themselves on how they handle both situations. That bus driver was speaking up not just for that child but all children. Very proud. We need more people like him watching out for our kids

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. The driver was right!! I am so sick of the politics in schools. The whole rule of “don’t rat us out on our poor administration or we will fire you” is total bullshit! Who wants to work for a place that makes poor decisions and sweeps the well-being of kids under the rug?! If a parent didn’t feed their child a meal it is considered abuse but yet a SCHOOL can get by with it?!
    Why don’t schools look into asking for another solution? I know where we are from if the school sent out an email that said, we have this many kids that can’t eat because they can’t afford it, our community would have stepped in and helped. How about instead of charging parents a “fee” to pay online, the “fee” gets put into a fund for kids that need it?
    If administrators were truly making decisions that were best for the children, this wouldn’t be an issue.
    I admire this man for standing his ground and being the voice that child needed!!!

  43. Wonder how many illegals the government gave a free apartment to this month, and gave them food, utilities, health care, and $1,000 per child a month? Yet, our little children go hungry at school and in front of their friends, because they don't have a few more pennies!! What has happened to this country, and the people we vote into office!!! What kind of country will our great-grandchildren live in?

  44. Where and who is this kid I want to put $$$ on his school lunch account

  45. Liberals have such a big problem with the truth.

  46. It is an atrocity that the child was denied his lunch. Yes something needed to be said but yes he should be fired. He violated a company policy and he also violated a family's privacy. All yawl saying he should not have been fired do you agree with folks who steal because they are truly hungry. Do you agree with murder under the right circumstances? Do you think rules only apply if the situation merits it? NO ok didn't think so. He had the right idea and his idealogybis great but his method is wrong...

  47. They should fire the superintendent instead of the bus driver I’m proud of a human being that will stand up for children that are already suffering and for what ??? for something that comes easily to everybody!!! Food.. you don’t know if the child has food at home if their parents can provide even one meal a day . Food from school should always be given to anybody!!! we have so much waste in this world and we can’t even feed the people that are hungry really hungry.. I think we should take a very good look at what this world has come to...

  48. No he shouldn't of been fired. We have to stand up for our children. This school lunch issue is happening all a cross the country, but we can still find the money to hand out to illegals. Illegals are not entitled to 1 red cent from the US tax payers. We should take care of our children and elderly.

  49. I would think you would have justifiable grounds to sue. This has gone on for far too long and it needs to stop! You, sir, could be the voice for so many kids out there who do without and, by no means, did you deserve to lose your job!!! Get you a good lawyer-- for civil suits, they work on a contingency fee and do not collect unless you win and then it is subtracted from your settlement. Of course, millions of dollars in the bank, is not the goal but those kids. However, you did lose your job over it! I don't see where you did anything wrong. They ought to be ashamed of themselves!!

  50. Nope, in fact he should get an attorney and sue them. Make a big change instead of a small one that only affects his income. Schools will only start realizing feeding the children that can't afford it once it starts costing them more to defend why they don't.

    And the way they gave him the choice, it was basically blackmail (which, I'm fairly certain is illegal still).

  51. Take it to social media it's the only thing the school boards are afraid of. He got fired because of their own fears. First of all if the child is hungry enough to eat the prepackaged card board they serve at school he is seriously hungry. Its happen to my kid personally think it is just wrong with all the waste we have. When I was in school they cooked out food and we had warn delicious meals. Sometimes it was the only meal that day for some of my friends. You dont need to know what is going on at home you just need to know that school is where they learn basics to survive in society and can get a meal. The system is broken and unless prople speak up no one will fix it. History has proven that over and over.
    People have a right to free so each and yet the school board works to silence that right. Why????

  52. no the bus driver shouldn't been fired.i'm glad it's out there so now other schools can say something.kids needs to eat.lunch should be free for all kids K-12 cook i hope you keep up with this.people needs to stand up for the kids.they need to give him his job back and fire the superintendent and the kitchen help.

  53. I am proud of bus driver and the cook. Good job to both. Of them.

  54. If everyone one this thread would go to your local grade school and pay for a weeks worth of lunches (around $15.00), there would be many children who would not have to worry about eating. I've already done it for a classmate of my daughter. One lunch for a high school student is $3.00.

  55. He should not have been fired they only reason is they got caught up with by not letting the child eat or going after those parents who take advantage of the system.

  56. Has anyone ever tried to figure out how much taxes it would take to feed all the students free. Only students with algery's would get special cards, or parents make a sack lunch. I have seen schools that make peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches for those that are still hungry or don't have a ticket for a day.


  57. The school board needs to apologize to him for such disrespect and bs! They need to apoligize to the bus driver and pay for his time missed from work until he finds better employment.

  58. I believe the bus driver did the right thing based on what the child told him and I myself would have done the exact same thing!! I live in Hart County Georgia and when I was reading it I said to myself “it must be somewhere in Georgia” and I was right! The rules, laws in the state of Georgia compare to none anywhere else! I have lived in 5 different states and they were/ are nothing like Georgia! And that is the truth! I think the bus driver should be offered his job back although I don’t think he will take it back! Why would he? Why should he? They will be looking over his shoulder for only another reason to fire him! And to offer him his job back ONLY IF HE RECANTED HIS STORY? That is a lawsuit right there! Just my opinion!!

  59. The driver identified a serious problem, not the child. He pointed out a problem with the school system. We pay big money in school taxes and then make a little kid go hungry because of forty cents. Shame on the school, the principal and any policy that doesn't take care of a little kid. That may have been the only meal the kid gets all day. Shame on them.

  60. There is never a reason good enough not to feed a child at school. The person or persons who refused the kid his lunch should feel really good about themselves especially after they are fired for being cruel to a child. The child can't help what the parents do but school should be a safe haven.

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